The Window

There’s a small window through which we see life
True for everyone, truer still for her
It’s passing by, picking up speed, slowing to a stop
Stillness is mandatory, restlessness inevitable
Despite it all, love shines through
From the space of her bed she sees it, feels it
In the way the birds flitter outside her window
The way their song reaches through the glass,
muffled and persistent
The Valentine’s and cards and declarations of love
that hang from the slats of the blinds
Her family, constant and present with a cup of water,
a kind word, a gentle hug
Her steadfast companion, staying true to his vows,
in sickness and health
It’s present in the petals of the flowers coming in a
constant parade of changing colours
In every bite of food brought to lighten the load
and fortify the body and soul for the journey to come

How everyone comes together,
even when physically, they can’t
The window through which we see life is small
True for everyone, truer still for her
But somehow, love shines through


My Mom is Dying


Can We Be Thankful