We Are Right to Grieve

This weekend—this year—isn’t a time for emotional detachment. It’s been a year of death, of separation and profound misunderstandings. And now it’s the Easter weekend—a time of death, of separation and profound misunderstandings.

We’re right to grieve.

In spite of the hope we have—and we do have such incredible hope—it’s right to grieve.

In this issue we are sharing a little bit of what members of our staff are facing.

Ken and Val Zacharias lost their 36-year-old son to a heart attack in January. They grieve Jared and now ask how they can best support Dwylla and their four grandchildren living 13 hours away. Ken says they are very new to the grieving process and it’s not easy to share thoughts in writing but they would like to pass on a book recommendation to others grieving loss. Author Jerry Sittser in A Grace Disguised expresses things very well.

Tim and Brenda Dyck are facing the death of Brenda in a not-too-distant future, just short years before he would have retired. Tim will share a small part of their life at this stage. Their son Andrew and daughter Aubrey will also reflect.

To round out this issue is a five-minute Easter video from Layton Friesen looking behind Jesus’ actions to see the tactics He was using to face down the power of the devil in this final stage of His walk to the cross.

Death has been defeated. Jesus lives!

Erica Fehr

Erica Fehr is the Director of Communications and Administration for EMC and the editor of Growing Together.


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